Yakutia CBM Manual
The communities engaged in the Yakutia CBM are mainly Indigenous fishermen, hunters and reindeer herders who are heavily dependent on the living natural resources. They have been facing serious challenges in relation to accessing these resources due to changes in resource availability and threats, including pollution and resource depletion caused by various forms of mining developments, commercial fishing companies and changes in climate. The areas they live in are classified as traditional areas of occupational use, protecting rights of Indigenous communities, but in practise it has been a challenge to enforce this legal status.
Key participants in workshops and meetings have included local fishermen, hunters and herders, local Indigenous peoples’ representatives, various members of local authorities, and school students and teachers.
Local communities and local Indigenous peoples’ representatives are interested in and supportive of the CBM activities. They see this as an improved way of developing and presenting local knowledge on resources and resource use. Local authorities are also supportive of the activities. The Republic Indigenous Peoples’ organisation (RIPOSR) is taking a leading role in activities.
Input from the CBM groups (information, analysis and recommendations) has been used by RIPOSR to seek influence on resource management issues both at Republic and District level. Organising and communicating information are being undertaken using short forms, which are filled out by the CBM groups and which include resource information, analysis of information and suggested actions.
Lena River landscape from viewpoint over the river. Photo: M. Enghoff
Monitoring of natural resources by local people for improved management
What. A simple system for self-monitoring by fishers, hunters and herders of:
animals that you hunt (such as geese, ducks, foxes),
attacks by predators,
fishing activities and fishing methods,
quality of pasture and reindeer conditions in your area,
use of resources in your area by people from within and outside community,
changes in climate and the environment around you (snow, ice, pollution)
Why. Your observations, when regularly collected and shared, can be used to influence the way resources are being used in your area. To improve your livelihoods. To strengthen your rights to the use of the land. Your knowledge is important. Examples of results may be:
better hunting regulations for animals that you hunt (such as geese and other)
better management of predators,
improved and more sustained access to fish,
improved addressing of pollution,
better addressing of challenges to management of pasture,
better acknowledgement of the rights of your own community to use of your land
How. Five steps
1. The most experienced and interested fishers, hunters and herders establish a community monitoring group.
2. Note books. You record observations of natural resources during field trips
3. You summarize your observations is a summary format at meetings in the group every 3-month, you analyse trends, discuss challenges and management initiatives
4. You provide your summarized information to RIPOSR (Republic Indigenous Peoples’ Organisation of Sakha Republic) and authorities
5. You present key observations at community meetings one time each year
When. Monitoring should only be done as part of your routine fishing, hunting or herding activities. After every field trip you note your observations in a calendar. Every three month you meet with other members of the community monitoring group. You discuss and agree on trends in natural resources. If you want, you propose management actions to RIPOSR and the authorities.
Who. Any local person interested in natural resources of their areas can participate. People and communities will decide on their own if they see a benefit in this and if they want to participate in the project. They will decide what they want to monitor. Participation is on a voluntary basis and people are not paid to do the monitoring; they should do it because they think it may help them sustain their resource use.