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PISUNA is an abbreviation of Piniakkanik sumiiffinni nalunaarsuineq. PISUNA strengthens the involvement of hunters, fishermen and other interested in the documentation and management of living resources. Greenland Ministry of Fisheries and Hunting established PISUNA as a means to ensure that the knowledge of resource users becomes part of the basis for decisions that concern the management of living resources. 


PISUNA is using locally-based monitoring of living resources as a tool for improving Arctic resource management. With funds from the Nordic Council of Ministers and the Government of Greenland, PISUNA is establishing and testing locally-based monitoring of resources in five communities in Disko Bay and North West Greenland. The activities improve the capacity and opportunities of the communities in terms of monitoring and managing resources within sustainable limits. Moreover, PISUNA improves communication and understanding between users and natural resource managers at a higher level.

Greenland Self-Government’s Guide to Local Documentation and Management of Living Resources is intended to help citizens to document and interpret changes in living resources. The guide has been written especially for hunters, fishermen and other people with interest in the natural environment who want to contribute to strengthen the management of living resources - and to promote sustainable use of these resources.

Fishers and hunters in Greenland would like to share their knowledge if they are heard by researchers and the authorities. They prefer to talk together when preparing their trips.They prefer not to take notes during fishing and hunting trips and they prefer not to spend time indoor.

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